My radio tribute

By John Cushing, Feb 2023

You get to an age don't you. An age when you realise everyone you know, or grew up with, worked with, hung out with isn't necessarily going to be around forever. Of course, to quote Sir Tim Rice & Elton John it's just part of the circle of life, but it's still daunting, when you get to that age. There's obviously been a number of high profile passings in recent days of legendary broadcasters, the ones we grew up with, the face and voice of a generation. I won't pretend to try and add anything to those who knew Dickie Davies and John Motson, that have offered their tributes, or to talk about commentary as that's my partner Michael's speciality. The same for Paul Easton, a former radio programmer, who also sadly died this month. But what I want to say is what tributes! For everything that's wrong with social media, the outpouring from across the board of messages and memories, online and on air on the likes of talkSPORT, from friends, colleagues, viewers and listeners, really got me thinking. I hope these people knew how much they were loved! How much we loved them! They'd all had their careers, retired, hopefully enjoyed what they liked to enjoy in older life. But did they know what you, I or the lady down the road thought of them? Why do we wait til they're gone to pay tribute!?

The other week was World Radio Day - one of these made up days (not as bad as Grandparents day btw!) that from what I can see, encourages you to talk about your love for radio and your role in it. I'm sure there's one for your line of work too! But on that day I thought about it, and even more so since, wouldn't it be nice to pay tribute to OTHER people who you respect and love in the industry? Rather than digging out the same old photos of yourself in an oversize cap or bomber jacket (no disrespect to anyone who has that though!) So maybe next year I'll thank someone for helping me, guiding me or just being a jolly good laugh in my radio and audio career. Just so they know, if god forbid anything happened, what I thought of them and how much I was thankful to them. 

But I can't wait til then, so I'm going to start early, and thank a few people immediately! Maybe you could let someone know how much they've meant to you too? So here goes - I hope they read this! 

BBC Children in Need Day. John Cushing & David Clayton on reception at BBC Radio Norfolk circa 1995

David Clayton my BBC Radio Norfolk Managing Editor and general superstar of East Anglia (pictured here on BBC Children in Need day circa 1995) - everything I've managed to achieve in my career is thanks to you, your generosity, your kindness, your drive and your passion to deliver great radio and stories. 

Peter Stewart my News Editor at Essex Radio Group and all round news guru. You taught me news. What people wanted to know, what they should know, and what they need to know. 2 years working together and I'm glad we've had 25 years of friendship too. 

Jonathan Richards my News Editor of Heart 106.2 and then Programme Director of LBC. You taught me never to be afraid, to have confidence in my ability, in my decision making, my broadcasting. You allowed me to fulfil my dream of working in London during some amazing news times, and also supported me in my love of sport by allowing me to present a football show, the Boat Race etc. So much!

And lastly for now, and this isn't an exhaustive list, and there's many more people to thank as hopefully each year comes round! But James Rea. My LBC Managing Editor and now Global 'god'. You gave me the courage to be better. You encouraged me to learn new things. To take on new things and then allowed me to work with a brilliant bunch of people in Leicester Square, on so many floors and departments, while also backing me 100% over my crazy love for all things Olympics. 

To David, Peter, Jonathan and James. This is my small tribute to you. Just so you know what I've always thought ....

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